Pandemic predicament!

The 15 March 2020 declaration of a National Disaster marked the certainty that things wouldn’t be the same. Deciphering regulations issued from 18 March 2020 onward and “Family Meetings” meetings became the norm.

Hope triumphed over initial fear, panic and uncertainly. Few businesses if any had included a Global Pandemic in their risk management plans and certainly none were equipped with disaster management plans. Responsiveness, impressive adaptation, innovation and sheer grit allowed businesses to survive and protect livelihoods.

Increasing vaccination rates and declining infection rates signal that an end to pandemics, disaster and lock-down may be within reach. Post pandemic recovery, relief, a “new normal”, hybrid work environments and host of other phrases and jargon entered our everyday conversations.


The future remains as uncertain as ever. The range of considerations that business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders must contend with has escalated.  Some thoughts on possible ways to respond to the events of the past two years are emerging. Articles and papers like the ones below are appearing with increased frequency.

From IBM “COVID-19 and the future of business

  1. Digital Transformation isn’t only about technology.
  2. The Human Element is Key
  3. Trauma and stress hi-jacked corporate strategy
  4. Win or lose you are not alone

Mckinsey & Company “What matters most? Five priorities for CEOs in the next normal”.

  1. Centre strategy on sustainability.
  2. Transform in the cloud
  3. Cultivate your talent
  4. Press the need for Speed
  5. Operate with Purpose

What next?

Do these concepts and information resources assist you in charting a course forward? Do you have clarity on your next move? Why not test your recovery approach against the steps suggested in Forbes magazine. We trust that it will be helpful to you.